Special Educational Needs and Disability
We endeavour to provide a secure, caring and stimulating environment – where all children are accepted, respected and valued as unique individuals, with something special to offer. In this environment we hope that each child will acquire an enthusiasm for new knowledge and experiences, coupled with a firm belief in their own ability and self-worth. Allowing them to test new thoughts and activities, at which they may not always excel, but gathering new information and skills along the way, without jeopardising their own positive self-image as they explore.
We are committed to; –
* Excellence and equality for all children
* The need to foster a trusting relationship between children, their families, any relevant professionals, other children and the community at large.
* Early identification of additional needs – by use of observation and record keeping with reference to the new Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice implemented in January 2015. It is available at :Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years
* Meeting individual needs through a range of strategies, to ensure that each child can fully access the curriculum.
* Making sure that our planning identifies those with Special Educational Needs and contains activities that support their progress.
* Providing an inclusive environment and play opportunities e.g. tactile toys, positive images in posters, books and equipment, a quiet room for individual and small group work and a well-planned, stimulating outdoor area, benefiting from an extensive safety play surfaced area and multi sensory experiences. We frequently use story props and visual aids at story times and have visual aids including a visual timetable displayed in the nursery.
In our everyday practice we ensure that all children are treated as individuals/equals and are encouraged to take part in every aspect of the nursery day according to their individual needs, abilities and interests. We provide differentiated activities to give a broad and balanced early learning environment for all children including those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.We ensure that gifted and talented children, who learn more quickly, are also supported in accordance with their individual requirements. We provide role models and promote positive images and experiences during play of those with additional needs wherever possible. We celebrate diversity in all aspects of play and learning. Our admissions policy states that children and families are admitted on a first come, first served basis, with exceptions made for siblings and children ‘in need’ (as stated in the Children Act). We welcome children with special educational needs. Where a child has additional needs we endeavour to work closely with the family and other agencies (as appropriate) to aid their development and support the family. We encourage children to value differences both in themselves and in others and challenge inappropriate attitudes and practices.
The manager – Melanie Fynn and Deputy – Victoria Coward are our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator’s (SENCO’s). They have regularly updated training and have overall responsibility for the day-to-day operation of our Special Educational Needs and Disability and Equal Opportunity Policies. As such, they support the staff, children and families in all areas of SEN practice and provision.
For further details about the SEN identification process and support please speak to any of the staff at the setting.
Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment and Plan
If the help given through the nursery’s initial graduated approach is not sufficient to enable the child to make satisfactory progress, we may request, in consultation with the parents and any external agencies already involved, an assessment of the child’s needs by the local authority. This is called an Education, Health and Care (EHC) assessment. The assessment will decide whether a child needs an EHC plan. This plan sets out in detail the education, health and social care support that is to be provided to a child who has special educational needs or a disability. The local authority will consult with parents and let them know the outcome of the assessment. For more information on services available in the borough please go to Kingston Achieving For Children Local Offer and choose ‘Find services’ from the menu bar
For free, impartial advice about childcare, education, activities and support for parents and carers with children up to age 20 years, or 25 years for those with a special educational need and disability (SEND), contact the Family Information Service (FIS). family information service
Tel: 020 8547 5008 Email: fis@achievingforchildren.org.uk