The Nursery Day
The nursery is open from 8a.m. to 6p.m. Monday to Friday, throughout the year, with the exception of Bank Holidays and one week at Christmas.
As children arrive and leave the nursery throughout the day we have a flexible structure to our day. Our daily routine allows for all children to participate fully in the days activities regardless of their chosen hours.
8a.m. – 9.15a.m |
The children are able to choose from a selection of activities that are readily accessible. Children are offered breakfast between 8 a.m.- 8.45 a.m. |
9.00a.m. – 11.35a.m. |
During this time we have a circle/group time, which includes discussions about the weather, the days of the week, important events that are happening that day and a register song. We also share news including the ‘Star of the week’ and who looked after ‘Ella’ (our home visiting doll) at the weekend. We have free flow play throughout the morning from 10.00 a.m. where children can access activities inside and out. This includes a set adult led activity, a letters and sounds activity and free access to the touch screen computer. Children can access our snack bar during the morning helping themselves to salad, fruit and water. At 11.20 a.m. we encourage all of the children to help tidy up from the mornings activities. On Monday mornings children also benefit from a music class led by a music teacher (during term time). |
11.35 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. |
Group time (divided ages – when appropriate): story and songs, to include active participation. On Fridays this story session is replaced by a French class led by a French teacher following the La Jolie Ronde programme (during term time). |
12 p.m. – 1 p.m. |
Lunch. A balanced mid-day meal, (special dietary requirements can usually be catered for). Staff sit with small groups of children at lunchtimes, to support children with feeding and to encourage and develop conversation. |
1.00 p.m. – 3.00np.m. |
One room is set aside as a rest room, giving the opportunity for children to sleep or rest. For the children who do not require a daytime sleep, this is usually the quietest part of the day; an ideal time for small group play, with free access to the computer. In this time there is a period of up to 30 minutes set aside to watch a selected video, or DVD allowing them a calm time. |
3.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m. |
A light tea is offered, with fruit, or salad and a variety of sandwiches. Milk or water is offered to drink. Following tea the children have free flow play. Children are given as much opportunity as possible to access the garden. Later in the afternoon, children have the option to participate in smaller group activities and games, or a story time. |